We are a group of Boss Bitch professional healers and creatives, working to support other enbie and womyn identified folx on their journey to self empowerment.

Our founder, Tree Willard, has been a healer, coach, activist, leader, and artist for more than 25 years. Their mixed-race, queer, neurodivergent, spoonie experiences drive them to help others with similar challenges.

At Boss Bitch Collective, we firmly believe that true empowerment begins with embodiment. That's why we utilize powerful tools such as breathwork and movement for somatic release, guiding our clients to reconnect with emotions they may have long avoided, suppressed, or feared.

We also recognize that symbols serve as the language of the subconscious mind. This understanding underscores the potency of ceremony as a transformative tool, enabling profound shifts in subconscious beliefs about oneself and relationships. Ceremony grounded in our traditional cultures ties us to our ancestors and activates our cellular memory.

Moreover, our approach is deeply rooted in a reverence for Spirit, Divine Timing, and Purpose—with a capital P. We firmly uphold the belief that each individual is born with a unique reason for being here, and that every step of their journey holds profound meaning. By embracing this perspective, we empower our clients to transmute their experiences into sources of strength, becoming catalysts for love and peace within their own lives, families, communities, and the world at large.

In our practice, we honor the wisdom of our ancestors, recognizing their presence as guides in our healing journey. We understand that thoughts shape words, which in turn shape actions, and we prioritize the cultivation of clear intentions and commitments, to ourselves and others. Through tools that ground us in our lineages and practices that foster integrity in our thoughts, words, and actions, we strive to embody right relationship in every aspect of our lives.

About Tree

Tree, who embraces both she/her and they/them pronouns, navigated the intersectionality of their identity while growing up queer in two distinct cultures. Recognized as 'the sickness of two hearts' by their Native elders, their journey of self-discovery and healing instilled in them a profound understanding of societal structures and their impact on individuals and a commitment to making healing their life’s work.

After earning a degree in Holistic Human Development, being trained as a coach, breathwork facilitator, reiki practitioner, antiracist organizer, and years of experience in facilitation, parent education/support, and leadership, including years of running her own business, Tree eventually came to run a nonprofit family resource center. This opened the door to more impactful advocacy work, including resident, student, and parent leadership development, cultivating anti-racist schools, and influencing state and national legislation. Eventually working as the Executive Director of a coalition of Human Services organizations, supporting leadership development and advocacy across a 200 organization strong network of nonprofits.

All the while Tree was also writing music (releasing an album of original music), working in acting and filmmaking (cowriting a Sundance Festival award-winner), painting, making jewelry, and even renovating houses. Their volunteer work leading many organizations as a board president/chair and advisor included organizations that supported women healing through self-care and ceremony, people growing food and working for food justice, and supporting BIPOC organizations that are restoring traditional cultures and traditional lands to provide essential, culturally rooted rites of passage for our young people. Additionally, they are proud parents to two nonbinary, neurodivergent young adults who are constantly teaching them humility and grace.